DEAR ABBY: I've had a feeling my wife is about to leave me for another man. For the last few months he has been coming to the bar where she works and saying stuff to her. I don't know what he says, but he has also been texting her and posting things on her Facebook page.
She told me he's only a friend, but since he has been coming around at her work, she's been really cold to me at night. We don't have sex like we used to, and she doesn't let me hold her when we are in bed. Plus, she used to sleep nude, but now she wears pajamas to bed.
What should I do? She told me I need to get help because I'm jealous of him. -- JEALOUS IN OREGON
DEAR JEALOUS: I think "help" would be a good idea. Tell your wife you're willing to get some on the condition that she come with you. It's called marriage counseling, and clearly you both are in need of some. Your doctor can refer you to a licensed therapist. Also, if you have a religious adviser, make an appointment to talk with him or her. If your wife refuses, do both of these things without her. Please don't wait.