DEAR ABBY: My best friend, "Kate," approached me on a matter I'm uncomfortable with. For the last 12 years we have laughed, cried, consulted on everything we struggle with and shared our joys. Kate has a great marriage. I'm struggling with the decision to remain in mine.
Recently, Kate, her husband and I were on an outing when they mentioned a menage a trois. It was obvious to me that they have done this before. Kate has been my closest friend for years, but I realize now there's a side to her I never knew.
My resistance to their suggestion seems to have had no effect on her, yet I'm wrestling with my feelings. I'm trying to ignore this and maintain the friendship we had before, but it has been difficult. I wish I had never known, but now that I do, I need help sorting it out. -- MISSING MY BEST FRIEND
DEAR MISSING: How do you feel about the concept of open marriage? Do you approve? Disapprove? When Kate invited you into her marriage -- which is what she and her husband did -- the dynamic of your longtime friendship was changed. If you still felt the same about her, you wouldn't be writing to me.
If you can get past this, you can still be friends. But on some level your relationship will never be as it was before she crossed that boundary.