DEAR ABBY: I am 32 years old and divorced my wife two years ago. Although I tried dating for a bit, it was a brave new world of online apps and profiles. It wasn't for me, and I became discouraged.
A year has gone by and female friends are telling me I need to get back out and date. I find the whole endeavor depressing and prefer to spend my time elsewhere and single. They say my decision to stay single is emotionally driven and I "deserve love."
My argument against dating is that I wasn't a good husband and I have no interest in devoting the time or energy to date in the scary and confusing world of the web. Can you settle this dispute so that we can stop the back-and-forth arguments? -- DIVORCED AND DATELESS
DEAR DIVORCED AND DATELESS: I agree that opening yourself up to strangers can be scary. If you are not interested in meeting women on the internet, I won't force you, even though that's how many -- although not all -- relationships start these days.
Because that's not your cup of tea, there are other ways to meet nice women, among them getting out and participating in activities you enjoy or volunteering for a cause you believe in. Of course, that necessitates being open to having a relationship with someone and believing you deserve one. From the tone of your letter, I'm not sure you're there yet. Not having been a good husband the first time is no excuse if you have learned from your mistakes.