DEAR ABBY: I am a 34-year-old male who reads your column regularly. I usually see people asking for advice about their concerns, so I figured I would send you something different.
My wife and I have been married three months now, after living together for a year. Prior to that, we dated exclusively for three years. Abby, she's my world. We took it slow, had fun and discovered each other and ourselves. We discussed our todays and tomorrows, our hopes and dreams, our fears and misgivings, and put together a solid foundation on which to build our future. We live in the present, look forward to tomorrow and consider yesterday a gift with fond memories and lots of laughter.
We have earned each other. We have worked hard for each other. Yes, we have had our share of trying times and difficult days, but we took our time and worked out our issues as a team and as equals -- with respect, courtesy and love. We didn't rush anything, and still don't to this day. We are totally loving being together! -- LOUISVILLE LOVER
DEAR LOVER: I wish you and your wife many, many more happy years together. Thank you for an upper of a letter. I can't think of a more appropriate message to print on Valentine's Day.