DEAR ABBY: My mother and older sister are trying to spoil my happiness about my upcoming wedding. I have known my ex-stepmother, "Gina," for 20 years and have been best friends with her for the last 15. We remained close even after she divorced my biological father, who is not in the picture.
I had an appointment to go dress shopping and invited my friends, my mom and Gina (who lives out of state). When I told Mom that Gina was coming, her response was she would come "some other time." Abby, Mom has been remarried for more than 30 years and has spent time with Gina prior to this. It's not like they are enemies.
My older sister doesn't get along with Gina. She told me if Gina is part of the bridal party, she won't come to my wedding. I'm having a bachelorette party in the state where Gina lives. The invitations won't be sent for another few months. When my older sister found out, she accused me of not telling her. I explained that I'm not planning the party, my friend will be sending out the invitations and I wasn't keeping anything from her. She hung up on me!
These two ladies are spoiling what should be a happy time for me. Have I done something that, from an outside perspective, you consider wrong? -- DESPERATELY SEEKING ADVICE
DEAR DESPERATELY SEEKING: Your mother's refusal to participate in the selection of your wedding gown was an example of passive aggression. Your mother and sister aren't trying to spoil your happiness about your wedding. They are trying to manipulate and blackmail you into excluding your former stepmother. From this outsider's perspective, you have done nothing wrong -- but they have.