DEAR ABBY: I was recently told by a friend that my husband had sent her texts of an inappropriate and sexual nature. My husband didn't deny that he sent them and refused to tell me what he sent.
This woman is envious of my husband and jealous of our relationship. She often comments about how she'd love to have a man like mine, etc. My concern is, he admits he texted her, but I don't understand why. My intuition tells me she told me the truth, but I want to trust my husband.
Now I'm suspicious. I always want to check his phone, and analyze every aspect of our life and marriage. I feel this has put a huge wedge between us, and I no longer feel the same love and passion for him. Please help. What do I do now? Is my marriage over? -- SUSPICIOUS IN MICHIGAN
DEAR SUSPICIOUS: Your marriage may not be over, but it could be in jeopardy. Considering what has been going on, you have every right to be concerned.
Marriage counseling may help you and your husband get back on track if he's willing to go with you. But if he isn't, then for your own sake, get counseling on your own because you may need to talk to someone who isn't emotionally involved in your turmoil. It will make you stronger.