DEAR ABBY: I am a 21-year-old woman from the Philippines. I have been insecure all my life. I know I have a pretty face, but I have a lot of scars on my legs from childhood. Because of this I am depressed, unhappy and insecure. I never wear shorts, skirts or dresses that show my legs.
Do you think there is some guy somewhere who will love me despite my scars? I'm well aware that guys like sexy ladies with flawless skin. I hate the way my legs look, and I doubt I will ever find a husband. Please help me. -- INSECURE LADY
DEAR INSECURE: Please quit putting yourself down. Sometimes we women can be our most severe critics. If you stop looking for reasons men won't like you and start concentrating on why they will, you may have better luck.
Men like women who are fun to be around, who are kind, intelligent, honest and who don't play games. A man who would reject you because of scars on your legs isn't a person you need for a lasting, meaningful relationship.