DEAR ABBY: I read your column often and find it deeply troubling when girls write you lamenting that they are "still single." I'm 18, in my freshman year of college and I have never dated. I'm perfectly OK with this.
I'm not writing to bash girls who are in high school relationships, but rather to show there's an alternative. Abby, please remind them that it's fully acceptable for us to spend our teenage years single if we prefer. No one should feel pressured into a relationship because "everyone else is dating."
Girlfriends, if you're not ready for dating, then focus on discovering your beliefs, your purpose and what your talents, passions and values are. If you choose to do it accompanied by a partner, that's fine. But if you prefer to journey alone or with your friends, that's just as valid. -- INDEPENDENT IN RACINE, WIS.
DEAR INDEPENDENT: I agree! You are a self-confident, mature young woman, and you're delivering an important message to your contemporaries. I hope they'll give your message the consideration it deserves.