DEAR ABBY: My granddaughter "Cindy," age 2, was being watched by her mommy's ex-sister-in-law and her sons. Cindy went to her mommy and said, "Bubby hurt me." Bubby is what she calls her 10-year-old cousin. Her mother called the police. A policeman spoke to her and said there wasn't enough evidence. Now my granddaughter is scared of men.
The police went and talked to the cousin who said he "accidentally touched her down there with her pull-up on." DCFS was called in, and again it was a man. We took Cindy to a female doctor and Cindy told the doctor everything that happened to her. Now she wakes up having nightmares and yells, "No, Bubby. Stop!"
What's a grandmother to do to help her? We need justice for Cindy. -- DISTRAUGHT GRANDMOTHER
DEAR DISTRAUGHT: You may need justice for Cindy, but what Cindy needs right now is professional help to get past the trauma of what was done to her. Contact the nearest rape treatment center, tell them everything you have told me and ask for their assistance in finding therapy for your grandchild. They hear stories like this all too often.
The boy who assaulted Cindy also needs counseling so that he won't/can't repeat what he did to her with another little girl. From my perspective, both of these children need professional help.