DEAR ABBY: I recently exchanged pleasantries via email and text messaging with a lady I met on a website. One day later, I received a message from her stating she'd prefer our method of communication be kept to email and texting because she wasn't much of a phone talker.
Over the past few months, I have been out a number of times with other women who also expressed their preference to keep communication limited to email and texting. Is this becoming common?
I may be old-fashioned because I feel interpersonal relationships -- especially initially -- should include the element of voice inflection. I think it's more effective than a guessing game that only a full page of text can provide. Am I wrong? -- WANTS TO TALK IN RENO
DEAR WANTS TO TALK: I don't think you are wrong, and I happen to agree with you. I, too, usually learn more from a spoken conversation than from an email or text because I can distinguish whether the person is joking or being serious. But you and I are becoming the minority. Today many younger people feel more comfortable communicating online -- at least initially.