DEAR ABBY: I'm a 43-year-old single mom with three young boys. I am also a veteran and getting ready to go back to school. I have been dating a gentleman for two months now, and we get along great. He's three years older than I am and good with my kids and family.
I like him a lot and we seem to have a lot in common -- more than most. I really want him to kiss me, but I don't want to seem pushy. He's a real gentleman. We have gone from hugs to holding hands while sitting on the couch watching television. I don't mind taking things slow, but ...
How do I find out if he wants to kiss me or not? Sometimes it seems like it, but then he seems afraid to. How do I let him know it's OK? Sorry I seem like a teenager. -- CONFUSED IN IDAHO
DEAR CONFUSED: This man isn't taking things slow. Glaciers have been known to move faster. Two months is a very long time to wait for a first kiss.
The next time you find yourself sitting on the couch and holding hands with him, you have my permission to turn to him and say, "I'd love it if you kissed me." If that doesn't do the trick, then face it -- his feelings for you are only brotherly.