DEAR ABBY: I am planning a trip to Thailand next year and would like to find a traveling partner. I don't care whether the person is male or female. My plan is to visit the country and rent a cabin for a month. My interest is solely to share expenses and have a platonic relationship with my travelmate because going alone is very expensive. Thanks for whatever input you can give me. -- TRAVELER FROM KANSAS CITY
DEAR TRAVELER: You're welcome. My "input" is to urge you to rethink this. I do not recommend that you go to a foreign country and rent a cabin in the middle of nowhere with someone you don't know because it could be dangerous. What if there is a medical emergency or your companion has misrepresented him- or herself?
Traveling, even with someone you do know, can present problems unless you have a high degree of compatibility and similar habits. Low-budget tours are available, and I urge you to research them.