DEAR ABBY: I do online dating. For safety, I use an alias. I look much younger than my 43 years, so I went out with a 29-year-old who thinks I'm 33. I have horrible luck with relationships and didn't think this one would be any different. Boy, was I wrong! We have been dating three weeks now.
How do I tell him I'm 43, have two kids he doesn't know about and a different name? Or should I just break it off now? -- INCOGNITO IN MISSISSIPPI
DEAR INCOGNITO: Do not "just break it off" with no explanation. Tell the man what you told me -- that you have had such poor experiences with online dating that you used an alias, that you "fudged" about your age and that you have children. If it's a turn-off for him, you need to know it before you become more emotionally involved.
P.S. Because many people on dating sites don't tell the whole truth, it's possible he not only won't be shocked but will have a few things to fess up about, too.