DEAR ABBY: My husband's son -- I'll call him Duncan -- came to visit with his family. He lived with us for about six months on and off when he was younger. During that time, he twice went through my dresser drawers without my permission. The first time, we discovered a photo of me in a negligee he had found and hidden. The second time, he said he had been looking for a key. I was furious and felt violated.
During his recent visit, it happened a third time. I discovered my underwear drawer was slightly ajar and knew Duncan had used the bathroom in our bedroom. When I told my husband, he asked me not to let it ruin the rest of their visit. I felt violated again!
After Duncan and his family left, I asked my husband if this upset him, too, and his reply was that he was upset that I let it bother me. I understand that Duncan is his only son, but I'm hurt that he's taking Duncan's side. Help! -- NERVOUS IN NEVADA
DEAR NERVOUS: It does appear that Duncan has an unhealthy fixation on your underwear drawer, or he may be a cross-dresser. Because your husband refuses to discuss this with his son, the next time Duncan announces that he's coming for a visit, offer to buy him lingerie in his size, or install a sturdy lock on your bedroom door.