DEAR ABBY: I have been married to my husband, "Stu," for 27 years. His brother's family continues to send invitations addressed only to Stu. When they call to invite us to anything and I answer, they ask to speak to him. He has asked them not to do that.
When RSVPing to the latest invitation to our niece's graduation party -- addressed only to my husband -- I said that he would attend as he was the only one invited. I also asked if I had done something to offend anyone. I was told, "No, of course not," and they were "sorry if there was a misunderstanding," because the invite was for the whole family.
When we see each other, they are polite. I feel that pushing the point or not attending would reflect badly on me. What do you suggest? I am hurt by years of this treatment, and Stu is just as offended. -- HAD ENOUGH IN NEW HAMPSHIRE
DEAR HAD ENOUGH: Either your brother-in-law and his family never learned how to properly address an invitation (i.e., "Mr. and Mrs." or "and family"), or on some emotional level you were never accepted as a full-fledged family member. As I see it, you have two choices: Continue to attend these events as you have for the past 27 years, or both of you decline and tell them exactly why.