DEAR ABBY: While standing in a serving line at a restaurant, a man commented to my wife about her weight. She was very upset. My take was, "Don't talk to strange men." Later, I wondered whether I should have confronted the guy, slugged him or waited for him in the parking lot.
As a young man I was prone to rash actions. I would like to think in my golden years that I have outgrown this tendency. Still, I'm not sure I handled the situation correctly. I want my wife to be confident that I would come to her defense. Please advise. -- TEXAS TOM
DEAR TEXAS TOM: Although as a young man you were prone to rash actions, as a mature one you gained the ability to control your temper. Had you confronted the boor, the situation would have escalated and you could have wound up in the pokey charged with assault. I'm advising you that you were correct to do nothing. The man is lucky your wife didn't "serve" him a fist sandwich. A lesser woman might have.