DEAR ABBY: My daughter is getting a divorce from a wonderful young man I've grown very close to. He's away in the service, and he and my daughter have grown apart. He is in Korea and not able to deal with the situation back at home.
He emails me and talks to me on Facebook quite often. When he asks me about my daughter, I am vague. I love him as a son, and I have been crying over this. I'm so upset that I'm having migraines. How do I detach from my son-in-law while still being there for my daughter? -- SAD MOTHER-IN-LAW IN TEXAS
DEAR SAD M-I-L: Be honest with him. Tell him that while you love him like a son, the present situation with your daughter is causing you so much emotional conflict that it's making you physically ill. Explain that you will always be his friend, but that you must distance yourself emotionally somewhat until the divorce is final and he and your daughter have moved further on in their lives. Yours is not a happy situation to be in and you have my sympathy, but your health must come first.