DEAR ABBY: My mother and I had a debate about who should pay for dates. She thinks the man should pay, especially if sex is involved because "you don't want to give it away for free."
I disagree. I say the man should pay for the first, and maybe the second date. After that, they can agree to alternate.
I have been seeing a wonderful guy for about six months. I'm pretty sure I make more money than he does, but even if I didn't, I don't feel the need to be supported. I don't agree the guy should always have to pay. Times have changed since my mother dated. What's the general consensus on the subject these days? -- INDEPENDENT WOMAN IN MARYLAND
DEAR INDEPENDENT: The consensus is that you're right. Times have changed since your mother dated, and furthermore, paying for a date does not give the payer any guarantee of sexual favors. While in some regions, cultures and age groups there may be the expectation that the man pays, in today's world many women expect to pay their fair share after the first couple of dates.
In other words, it's common to split a check or share the cost of an evening's dinner and entertainment. The idea that a woman should put out for the price of a burger is, thankfully, passe. And that's for the best, don't you agree?