DEAR ABBY: In the past, I made several seriously awful decisions about guys. I also spent two years in high school off and on with a young man who only made my life dramatic and exhausting. Now that I'm a freshman in college, I have encountered several guys I'd love to have a relationship with, but I feel unworthy.
Because of my bad decisions and the fact that I knew these guys before they attended school with me here, I'm worried my past will catch up with me and they'll think I'm still the way I was back then. I have been working on cleaning up my language, and I have sworn off drugs and alcohol trying to make myself more appealing.
Some of my friends have told me I shouldn't have to change who I am for "some guy." Are they right? What should I do to make a connection with one of these young men? -- UNDESERVING IN IDAHO
DEAR UNDESERVING: If these friends are implying that it's all right to drink, use drugs, use foul language and do things with guys that you're ashamed of later, then it's time to change friends.
I believe in the philosophy of constant self-improvement. When you improve yourself to the point that you are proud of yourself, you will attract men who have more to offer than the ones you were involved with in high school.