DEAR ABBY: My best friend, "Beth," has finally found her "Mr. Right" after almost 35 years of singlehood. She is being married soon and I am thrilled for her. Over the last 15 years, I have been her sounding board. I have been through every date, every kiss, every heartbreak and every broken engagement with a string of men.
Beth has invited me to the wedding, but she hasn't asked me to stand up for her. Because we live 2,000 miles apart, we talk frequently on the phone and I keep waiting for her to ask, but she never brings up the subject. It's like the elephant in the living room. Beth knows I can afford the trip, so money isn't a concern. Should I tell her my feelings are hurt or ask her who is going to stand up for her? Or should I follow my husband's advice and just "let it go"? -- BROKEN-HEARTED FRIEND IN OREGON
DEAR BROKEN-HEARTED FRIEND: You may be close friends with Beth, but it's presumptuous to expect you have the right to dictate who should be in her wedding party. Please don't lay a guilt trip on her by saying your feelings are hurt. A better way to have your question answered would be to ask who they plan to have in their wedding party. Then once you have your answer, take your husband's advice. Let it go and don't let it destroy a long-term relationship.