DEAR ABBY: "Lynn" and I were friends since we were teenagers. We are now in our late 40s. We had a successful business together, but I decided to leave it to pursue my dreams. She didn't understand and our relationship was the casualty.
We didn't speak for two years. I attempted a reconciliation, but it failed. We're both bitter regarding the settlement of the business, and I'm not sure it can ever be resolved.
There is a high school reunion coming up and I'm not sure how to handle it. Sitting down and talking with her isn't an option. She's not reasonable, and she's prone to sudden outbursts of anger. Can you help? -- FORMERLY FRIENDLY
DEAR FORMERLY FRIENDLY: Yes, when you attend the reunion, avoid her as much as possible. But if you can't, keep any conversation civil, perfunctory, brief -- and move away.