DEAR ABBY: I'm a 15-year-old girl who has never been popular with boys. It has always been something that has bothered me. The hardest part is watching my friends date while I have to stay home.
One way I was able to make myself feel better was by telling myself everything would change when high school started. By the end of our first week as freshmen, my friend "Lily" had a new boyfriend and I'm still alone. Her boyfriend actually joked that I should "play for the other team" because I have no chance of getting a guy. Needless to say, my friendship with Lily is over, but her boyfriend's comment is still sticking with me.
Abby, do I really have no chance with guys? Am I overreacting about not having a boyfriend? I feel I should have dated plenty by now. -- WAITING FOR THE FIRST KISS IN JERSEY
DEAR WAITING: The comment Lily's boyfriend made was asinine and uncalled for. Please don't measure your worth using that immature boy's yardstick. Not being a belle of the ball in high school doesn't mean you won't blossom socially later. Many people do. You will get the kiss you're craving and validation, too, if you'll be a little more patient.
Use this time to concentrate on your studies, athletics, special interests, volunteering in your community and completing your education. Those things are more important than a boyfriend right now -- and they'll leave you with less time to brood. When you're older, you will meet men (not boys) who value what you have to offer. And yes, I know you have probably heard this before, but it's true.