DEAR ABBY: I am a 49-year-old woman. I was recently contacted by the boyfriend I had when I was in my 20s. "Byron" was the love of my life, but I foolishly broke up with him. I then married a bum and had a child I am raising by myself on a very limited income.
I live in an apartment with mismatched furniture and have no money in savings. My former flame has done well and is now married with three children. I sent him a letter telling him how proud I am of him and of what he has achieved. His reply has brought back a flood of memories, and I feel terrible about where I am and being alone. How can I get over this? -- BYRON'S LONG-AGO EX
DEAR EX: If you want more frustration and heartbreak, continue swimming in your flood of memories. Keep in mind that you dumped Byron "foolishly," and use that life lesson to guide you going forward. Because you are alone now does not mean you'll be alone forever.
Living in an apartment with mismatched furniture does not mean your circumstances can't or won't improve. The answer to your question is to stay focused on the opportunities in front of you rather than looking over your shoulder. That's how you get over this.