DEAR ABBY: I'm concerned about my friend "Nyla." She's 15 and pregnant. Nyla and her family are happy about it! As her friend, I'm not. I think she should have waited.
I keep telling her that her life is ruined and she'll regret having a baby this early, but she doesn't listen. It would be better if she had help, but she doesn't. Nyla's family is poor.
Now she is angry with me because of what I keep telling her. What can I do to help her understand me, and not get mad when I tell her something? -- VIRGINIA TEEN
DEAR VIRGINIA TEEN: If you want Nyla to "understand" you, quit lecturing her because it's only making her defensive. Defensive people don't listen. How any family, rich or poor, could be "happy" about the pregnancy of an unwed 15-year-old is beyond me. But your friend is pregnant and she's keeping the baby.
So be a real friend and encourage her to finish high school so she can prepare herself for a job that will enable her to support her little one. If she completes her education, the chances are better that her child will, too. But if she doesn't, the reverse is also true, and the repercussions will go on for another generation.