DEAR ABBY: I have been in a relationship with "Betsy" for more than three years. For the most part, we get along well, laugh a lot, and have a good relationship.
However, Betsy has an awful temper. She gets angry easily and becomes verbally abusive, saying ugly, hateful things that hurt me deeply. I never know what tiny thing will set her off. Although she usually apologizes later, I still feel the hurt she inflicted on me during her rage.
Abby, I'm in a quandary. I love Betsy very much and am normally happy with her. But these abusive rants are beginning to take a toll on me and on our relationship.
How do you know when it's time to leave someone -- especially when you still love that person? -- TIRED OF THE TIRADES IN TEMECULA, CALIF.
DEAR TIRED: You and Betsy are overdue for a serious talk. She may have emotional problems -- or she may simply be verbally abusive. Give her a choice: Seek help for her problem or the two of you are history. No one has a right to do to someone what she's doing to you. Unless the problem is resolved, this is the atmosphere in which your children will grow up if you should marry her.