DEAR ABBY: There is a situation at work that has smoke coming out of my ears. I'm past the age of retirement, but need to continue working. I'm with a great company and enjoy what I do.
The fly in the ointment is one of our salespeople. He's a big, strapping guy who comes barreling down the narrow aisles between cubicles. On more than one occasion I have had to execute a quick side step in order not to be run over. After the most recent near miss, I told him in no uncertain terms that if it ever happened again, I'd let him plow into me and take the consequences.
My question is, if I don't get out of his way and do get knocked down, what recourse do I have? Good manners would dictate that the younger man allow me to pass first, but are there any legal ramifications? I would love to smack him (like Bette Davis would in an old movie), but with my luck, I'd be charged with assault. What say you, Abby? -- ON A COLLISION COURSE IN WISCONSIN
DEAR ON A COLLISION COURSE: Good manners would, indeed, dictate that the younger man allow you to pass first, if the younger man has been taught basic manners by his parents. Apparently, this salesman's parents didn't do that. So rather than smacking the ignoramus, you should address your concerns to your supervisor, so he or she can tell him to slow down and watch where he's going. If you were injured on company property, the liability would be the company's, and the physical ramifications for you could be serious.