DEAR ABBY: Since being diagnosed with two types of cancer I have been unable to work. I have two wonderful dogs, and all my time is invested in them. I show them in obedience and agility exhibitions and love them dearly.
While talking with my husband of 25 years, I casually asked him about the dogs' care if I should pass away. His answer was shocking. He said he is prepared to give the dogs away -- to a good home, of course -- because he doesn't have the time and doesn't want to be bothered with them. What does this say about how he truly feels about me? -- DOGGIE BLUES IN PENNSYLVANIA
DEAR DOGGIE BLUES: What it says is your husband does not regard your dogs as extensions of you. It also says he is completely honest. Now that you know how he feels about your dogs, if you're smart, you will contact some of your friends on the dog show circuit and ensure that your dogs will be placed in homes where they are loved and appreciated -- preferably together -- should they outlive you. It will give you peace of mind, and your husband will have two less things to be "bothered" about in the event that you predecease him.