DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend, "Jake," dumped me two years ago. Since then, we have tried to remain friends. He texts or calls to check up on me, tells me he misses me, calls me pet names and recites lines from my favorite movies.
Although I appreciate Jake's efforts to stay friends, I'm confused because he was the one who broke off our relationship. He has said in the past that letting me go is something he will always regret, but he hasn't made an attempt to get back together.
Abby, I feel that Jake is stringing me along. I enjoy our friendship, but in my heart I'll always want more. I can't shake the feeling that he still loves me. At what point should I just give up and let go? -- LEFT HANGING IN HOUSTON
DEAR LEFT HANGING: How about right now? But before you do, tell Jake that this "friendship" has prolonged the pain of your breakup, that what you feel for him isn't platonic -- and you will always want more. If he does still love you, it will be his opening to declare himself. However, if he doesn't, then for your sake, cut the cord, because you won't be free to find someone else until you do.