DEAR ABBY: My 6-year-old daughter, "Meg," has severe eczema. She's highly allergic to a long list of things, including dogs. Recently, at a basketball court and at an outdoor restaurant, we encountered some dog owners who refused to pull their dogs back after I informed them about her allergy. Both said, "It's a public place!" as if my daughter should not be in public. One man even argued that my child "couldn't possibly" be allergic to his poodle.
I take my children out in public often, and I never allow them to touch other people. Why can't dog owners understand the concept? Other than avoiding public areas that are dog friendly, and pulling my daughter away whenever she's touched by a dog, what can I do? -- MOM KNOWS BEST, IRVINE, CALIF.
DEAR MOM: The idea that dog owners would fail to pull their animals back after being told someone was highly allergic shocks me. However, because you can't make everyone behave responsibly, you will have to "dog proof" your daughter.
At 6, she's old enough to understand the reason she's broken out and itching is because she came in contact with one of the things to which she is allergic. Teach her to stay out of reach and to announce loudly, "Please hold your dog back! I'm allergic!" when the situation calls for it. And if you are with her and see someone with an animal approach, you should take the initiative and say emphatically, "My daughter is highly allergic to dogs. Please keep it away from my child!"
And while I'm at it, no child -- or adult -- should ever touch a strange dog without the owner's permission because you never know how the animal might react.