DEAR ABBY: My stepsister stole my boyfriend, and I am so mad I am going crazy. She's very attractive and has no problem finding boyfriends. She did not have to do this. I am sure she did it out of spite.
We're both 16, go to the same school and have several classes together, so I can't avoid her. We also have to share a room every other weekend when she's here.
I have so much hate and anger toward her now, I don't know how to deal with it -- especially since we have to sleep in the same room. Please give me some advice. -- HATES HER IN NEW MEXICO
DEAR HATES HER: I don't think there is a single woman reading your letter who hasn't felt the same way you do at one time or another in her life. But please let me share a lesson most of us have learned: Short of slipping a man a knock-out drug, he can't be "kidnapped." He is responsible for making his own decisions. Yes, your stepsister might not have discouraged him. She may have even thrown herself at him. But what happened was of his own free will.