DEAR ABBY: For the past several years, my husband's sister-in-law, "Janine," has used my photographs (with my permission) in calendars she has made as gifts to different family members. One year, I asked her if she would have one made for me since most of the photos in it were mine. Her answer: "No, make your own."
Last year, at a cousin's wedding, Janine came up to me and told me to be sure to take some "good pictures" for HER calendar. I just about lost it! And for the current year's calendar, she had her husband ask for 12 more photos.
I feel Janine has been using me to give gifts with her name on them to other family members. I get none of the credit for having taken the pictures. It seems to me that she is stealing. What do you think? -- "DEVELOPING" A GRUDGE IN KANSAS
DEAR "DEVELOPING": I disagree that what your sister-in-law is doing is stealing, because by giving her the pictures with no conditional stipulation -- in this case, being given the credit for having taken them -- you are enabling her. And I "think" the time has come for you to insist that your name be on the pictures, or that she take her own photos for "her" calendar. Don't you?