DEAR ABBY: I work in an office where folks sometimes bring in birthday cakes, desserts and other goodies to share. "Dolores" is always the first in line, and helps herself to a large portion of the treats and says she's taking some home for her family.
Last week, someone brought in an exotic dessert and I got out the dessert-sized paper plates. Dolores took out two regular-sized paper plates and cut off a quarter of the entire dessert! No one could believe it, but we didn't know what to say or do. One time, she actually cut a huge portion of someone's birthday cake to take home before the "birthday boy" even got a slice. This woman is not poor. What do you recommend? -- "DESSERTED" IN TENNESSEE
DEAR "DESSERTED": Your co-worker is behaving the way she is because no one in your office has spoken up and objected. The next time someone brings something to be shared by the office staff and Dolores makes her usual move, the "bringer" should tell her plainly that she's not to take more than a portion for herself until everyone else has had some -- and to ask permission beforehand if she wants to take any of the remainder home.