DEAR ABBY: I'm at my wit's end at work. There's a woman in her early 30s here who is out of the closet, and very vocal about being a butch lesbian. I'm straight, happily married and 20 years older than she is.
Abby, she keeps hitting on me! I've told her I'm not interested and that I'm straight. She then makes comments that she has converted other women. She does this in front of others and it's mortifying. Yes, I'm old-fashioned and religious, and I do consider her sexual behavior immoral. I am also tired of feeling like I have to apologize for my religious beliefs.
I have spoken to my union rep, but was told not to create trouble for another union member. I'm sorry, but I don't like this sexual harassment. I want to go to HR about it, but I'm afraid it will start a riot in the union if she's fired over this complaint. There have been other complaints about her harassing people. Please advise. -- BEING HARASSED IN ILLINOIS
DEAR HARASSED: Your union rep is wrong. Would the person tell you to tolerate sexual harassment if your harasser was a man? The behavior you have described is against the law whether it's done by a male or female, regardless of sexual orientation.
Tell your rep you want it stopped immediately, and that if it isn't, you WILL take it to HR. Your religious beliefs do not enter into this. The woman's behavior is creating a hostile work environment.