DEAR ABBY: My boss wants my cell phone number for "work purposes." He has trouble with limits, and I am reluctant to give it to him. I don't want to receive text messages, unsolicited calls or contact outside of work. My private life is just that -- private.
I have kept an unlisted cell number for many years for good reason. I have a home phone and will answer it when the boss calls. I arrive promptly at work, but leave the job there.
My privacy is important. I had a bad marriage, and there was stalking and invasion by my ex-husband. Those individuals who need my cell number have access to it.
Am I out of line? I realize that many people use their cell phones as their only phones and others don't mind receiving calls, but am I required to do so?
I think this has upset my boss even though I have explained my reason. I don't use my cell phone on the job; it's in my purse except during personal time (lunch, etc.). Must I give up my privacy to keep my job? -- WANTS PRIVACY
DEAR WANTS PRIVACY: As long as your boss has your home phone and can reach you in case of some emergency, I see no reason why he should be pressuring you for your cell phone number. Stick to your guns and don't apologize for it.