DEAR ABBY: I'm one of the smartest people in my seventh-grade class. Sometimes it's hard being that person. Once, when I was in fifth grade, someone came up to me and told me, "No offense, but I think you're a know-it-all." Let me tell you, that did not feel good!
What should I do? I know almost all the answers in class, but I don't want to answer because of what people will think. Please help me. -- SMART SEVENTH-GRADER IN MICHIGAN
DEAR SMART SEVENTH-GRADER: Talk to your teacher and also your school counselor about your feelings. If you know all the answers in class, it's possible that you would qualify for advanced classes -- or even for skipping a grade. Of course, your parents would have to agree, but it's worth a try.
One thing is certain, you should not refrain from participating to the fullest extent you can in class. And the classmate who called you a know-it-all in fifth grade was out of line.