DEAR ABBY: I am torn about what to do. My sister has five children, all under 18. She has full custody and receives child support every month from her ex-husband.
The problem is, she has been spending the money that's intended for the children on her boyfriends. Because of it, they have been homeless twice, and it may happen again.
The only person in that household with a steady job is the oldest -- a boy -- but he can't support all of them by himself. How can I make my sister see how irresponsible and immature she is?
My nephew would like to move out, but he is afraid it would seem like he is abandoning his family. Please help me. -- ALARMED AUNTIE IN D.C.
DEAR ALARMED AUNTIE: Your sister's behavior is not only irresponsible, but also dangerous for the welfare of her children. If it is possible to contact their father and let him know what has been going on, I'm recommending that you do so. You should also contact Child Protective Services because while foster care is not "ideal," it would be better than what is going on in your sister's household.