DEAR ABBY: My wife, "Carrie," and I have a vacation home in Florida. Occasionally Carrie goes down there for a week or so with her best friend. While she's away, I miss her badly and can't wait for her to call so I can hear her voice. The problem is she doesn't seem to miss me.
Sometimes she "forgets" to call or acts like she doesn't want to talk to me. When she gets home she says, "Of course I missed you," but it's different when she is off having fun and I'm the one stuck at home.
Carrie says it is normal for someone on vacation to have fun and be busy, and it shouldn't matter if I'm not on her mind. Please tell me -- do I have a problem, does my wife have a problem, or do WE have a problem? -- LONELY HUSBAND IN MINNESOTA
DEAR LONELY HUSBAND: When a man says he feels neglected, and his wife forgets to call him when she's vacationing without him (and puts quotation marks around the word "forgets"!) and uses a phrase like "stuck at home," which implies resentment, then the answer to your question is you BOTH have a problem. Also, it appears you are extremely dependent upon your spouse and could benefit from developing some outside interests or male friends of your own.