DEAR ABBY: My father, who is a deacon at his church, has cancer. I have pitched in to help Mom take him to treatments out of town. Each time he has an outpatient treatment, the pastor of his church shows up and stays with us the entire time -- sometimes all day long.
Abby, he follows me around like a lost puppy, and it is clear that he's attracted to me -- even referring to me once as his "girlfriend." I am repulsed by this reference as I am happily married to a wonderful man. This man is married, too.
I want to be there for Dad during his treatments, but I don't want to make small talk with someone who is beginning to creep me out. How do I tell him to stay away without making a huge scene? -- MAKES MY SKIN CRAWL
DEAR MAKES: Ask your father whom he would like to have with him when he's getting his treatments -- you or his pastor. Then explain exactly why. If your father feels he needs the pastor's support during this difficult time, then the pastor can transport him and your mother to the treatment center. If your parents would rather have you there, then you, they or all of you together can inform the love-struck pastor that his services are appreciated but unnecessary.