DEAR ABBY: My 14-year-old daughter, "Melissa," is bisexual. Most girls her age have sleepovers, but my husband says that any girl Melissa likes should be considered the same as a boyfriend, so it is not appropriate for her to spend the night.
I disagree. A girlfriend is not the same -- mainly because Melissa won't end up getting pregnant after spending the night with a girl. What do you think? -- MOM IN ST. PETERSBURG, FLA.
DEAR MOM: If Melissa is romantically attracted to a particular girl, your husband has a valid point. However, he is mistaken if he thinks that because Melissa is bisexual she is attracted to EVERY female she meets. That is no more true than the idea that heterosexual individuals are sexually attracted to EVERY member of the opposite sex. When it comes to friendships, most are platonic -- and you and your husband should keep that in mind before deciding whether or not to allow your daughter to participate in sleepovers.