DEAR ABBY: Two weeks ago, out of the blue, my middle-aged neighbor, "Ed," brought over a bushel of apples from his tree. He told me he didn't want them to go to waste, and he wasn't going to do anything with them. I told Ed I didn't want them, but he left them with me anyway.
Reluctantly, I spent my days off peeling, coring and cooking them into batches of apple crisp, pies and jam. I gave away all of the items to friends and family, and saved one pie to give to Ed.
When I took it over to him, he said, "Is that it? What did you do with all the rest?" When I told him I had given everything else away, Ed got upset and said he should have gotten more because they were his apples!
Abby, I am just furious. I didn't want, ask for or need those apples in the first place. I worked hard preparing them, and the last thing I expected was for my neighbor to be so ungrateful. Am I overreacting? I seriously want nothing more to do with the man. -- OFFENDED IN APPLETON, WIS.
DEAR OFFENDED: Once your neighbor gave you the bushel of apples, they were yours to do with as you chose. While it would have been generous of you to have given him a sample of each of the items you created with them, you were under no obligation to do so. To hold a grudge against this presumptuous man is a waste of time, so let it go. Something tells me he won't burden you with his apples again anytime soon.