DEAR ABBY: I am 20 years old and had never been in love until recently. The only problem is, the man I fell for is married.
I knew "Craig" was married when I began talking to him at work. We have never "done" anything but talk, but sometimes that's all it takes. Craig was going through a separation, and we talked every day for hours at a time.
Now he doesn't want to talk at all. He says he needs time and doesn't want anyone to get hurt, but I am already hurt. I try to talk to him, but he doesn't respond. Craig is ignoring me now, and it's very painful. I have already fallen for him, and I am more than willing to wait, but each passing day it gets harder and harder.
Please advise me on what to do. Is love worth all the pain? -- HEARTBROKEN IN OHIO
DEAR HEARTBROKEN: I have news for you. Love isn't painful when the love object is the right person and the love is returned. What's painful is rejection.
Your mistake was allowing your attraction to Craig to overwhelm your good sense. He started talking to you when he was separated and vulnerable. But now he has made up his mind to make a go of his marriage. Accept it, and if necessary, find another job. It would be less painful than seeing him every day.