DEAR ABBY: My son is the recipient of a four-year college scholarship with full tuition. He selected and applied to this school. The problem is, he now wants to transfer to another college. This means he would finish his sophomore year and give up two years of the scholarship.
The reason he has given us is "a lot of his friends go there." I have been upset over this to the point of tears. We're a working-class family that struggles to cover the cost of his dorm and his meals. My son says I'm being difficult. How does a parent handle this? -- THINKING AHEAD IN GADSDEN, ALA.
DEAR THINKING AHEAD: If you haven't already done so, you and your husband should sit down, explain the financial realities of his changing schools, and ask him how he plans to pay for his education in the absence of his scholarship. If he is prepared to take student loans and work his way through, then as a young ADULT, that is what he will have to do. You can advise against it, but the choice will be his and so will the consequences. Be sure he's fully informed.