DEAR ABBY: I am a deaf woman who was raised by a woman who made sure I had speech therapy most of my life. Because of it, my speech is quite good, and people often forget that I am deaf or don't believe me.
I was pulled over by a cop, and when I told him I was deaf and needed to read his lips, he didn't believe me. Friends and co-workers have even told me, "With speech like yours, you can't be THAT deaf!" It is frustrating and sometimes hurtful.
The truth is I cannot hear, and I need people to look at me so I can read their lips. Any suggestions on how to kindly remind people -- including law enforcement officers -- that I really am deaf? -- READ MY LIPS IN D.C.
DEAR READ MY LIPS: You should request from your physician a card explaining your hearing disability, and carry it in your wallet in case you are stopped again by law enforcement. You can also use it if there are any more misunderstandings in the workplace.