DEAR ABBY: I am a divorced woman with two children. Throughout my life, I have always liked having one close female friend and a few other casual acquaintances. But these close relationships last only five to 10 years.
Abby, I am a "do anything for you," truly devoted friend. I am totally accommodating, to the point that I rearrange my activities and forgo my own wishes -- the "whatever you want to do" type. In spite of this, these "best friend" relationships, which theoretically shouldn't end, eventually do. The other person is usually not quite as committed as I am, even though she likes my company.
Why does this happen when I try so hard and go out of my way to maintain the friendship? -- TRUE BLUE IN ALLENTOWN, PA.
DEAR TRUE BLUE: Not all friendships last forever. Many have a beginning, a middle and an end, and people drift apart. Perhaps if you spread your friendship around rather than depend on just one person, and actually listened to your own needs rather than continually sacrificing them, your relationships would become more mutual. With more of the usual give-and-take, they might last longer.