DEAR ABBY: What is the inside secret to men? I'm a 25-year-old, attractive woman, and I'm confused. There's this guy I'm interested in, and although I believe he's flirting with me, I still have no number or date. (This guy is single.)
In the modern world we live in, do guys really want the female to make the first move? Or should I stick to the traditional rules and wait? -- JILL IN PERTH AMBOY, N.J.
DEAR JILL: There is no "secret" to men. And it's not uncommon for women to suggest going out these days. I have certainly never heard a man complain to be asked!
The person you have described may be shy, he may be involved with someone, or he may just be a flirt. The surest way to find out would be to suggest going out and see how he reacts.