DEAR ABBY: I am separated from my husband of three years and have a beautiful 2-year-old son. Initially, I thought I'd retain my married name, but the more I've been thinking about it, what harm would it do if I changed it? Is it really going to be that confusing or upsetting to explain to my son? After all, I will always be "Mom" to him, and nothing will change that.
I would love to take my maiden name back and put my husband and this chapter of my life with him behind me. However, we have a son who will always carry his father's name. Is it selfish of me to consider reverting back to my maiden name? -- MRS. SCORNED IN ILLINOIS
DEAR MRS. SCORNED: Not in my opinion. Thirty years ago, thinking on the subject was different. However, today, with so many women retaining their maiden names after marriage, what you have in mind is not unusual. I say, go for it.