DEAR ABBY: I just went through a horrible experience -- a drug intervention with my sister, who is now in rehab. When I returned from the rehab center the other day, my precious niece handed me a letter to give to her mother.
If anyone reading this is "dabbling" in drugs, thinking it will only hurt him- or herself, read on:
"Dear Mom, these are questions I need answers to.
"Why are you doing this to us?
"What were you thinking about?
"Will you get the help you need?
"Will you come back?
"When are you going to stop running away?
"Do you know how worried we are?
"P.S. PLEASE come back! We all love you."
That was her letter, verbatim. By the way, my niece is 9. -- DISTRESSED SISTER, FORT PAYNE, ALA.
DEAR SISTER: From the mouths of babes ... I'm sure that most individuals who "dabble" in drugs do so thinking they won't become dependent. However, your niece's letter is a reminder that many people do, and I hope it has the desired effect on your sister. That sad little girl is clearly in pain, and her letter highlights the fact that addiction is never just one person's problem. It affects not only the users, but also everyone who cares about them.