DEAR ABBY: My best friend, "Ted," and I recently met an attractive girl I'll call "Bridget." Ted was married and suggested I date Bridget. Within a few days, before I got up the nerve to ask her on a date, Ted broke up with his wife, moved in with me and started seeing Bridget.
This was awkward, but in addition, Bridget started making sexual advances toward me. Unfortunately, I didn't have the wisdom to keep away from her. Although we didn't have sex, I was closer to her than I should have been to my best friend's girl. Ted knows about it, and now ensures that Bridget and I are never alone together. He constantly worries about the situation, and it is interfering with his job.
I believe he wants to break up with her, but he's afraid I will date her. I agreed with his suggestion that we both stop talking to her, but they are still dating. She continues to flirt with me every time he leaves the room, and I am defenseless against a pretty woman. Bridget says she likes me, but she loves Ted. She clearly has some attachment issues. I would love to talk to her about them and help her.
I think Ted and I both have strong feelings for her. What should we do? Neither of us can resist when she cries or wants something. -- STUCK IN THE MIDDLE
DEAR STUCK: You are not helpless. Find your backbone, start using your head, and thank your lucky stars that Bridget "loves" Ted. If you were in his shoes, YOU would be the one constantly worried about who she was coming on to the minute your back was turned.
Bridget appears to use sex as a way of getting attention and validation. It's a problem that's beyond your expertise to fix -- and also mine. She may need professional counseling, or a self-help group for sexually compulsive people, once she finally admits she has a problem.
The best way I know to avoid temptation is to avoid tempting situations. In your case, that means spending as little time in Bridget's presence as possible.