DEAR ABBY: My next-door neighbors are renovating their house to sell and have installed motion-sensor lights. Unfortunately, their floodlights shine on our deck and hot tub, and have destroyed our privacy. I have spoken to them about it several times. and they turned them off for a while.
Now that they're getting ready to sell, they have turned them back on. Their property is only about 45 feet wide. One light that shines down the center of their property seems sufficient to me. Despite my having talked to them, they seen unconcerned. They say they need them to walk through their property at night, but they don't do it that often.
I don't want to do anything that could escalate into something ugly. Other than politely asking them again to do something about the floods, what's my recourse? They have seen the lights shining on our property and acknowledged that they do shine on our deck and hot tub, but it doesn't seem important to them. I hope you can help. -- BLINDED BY THE LIGHT
DEAR BLINDED: Write your neighbors a nice registered letter and ask them to reposition their sensor lights so that when they go on, they do not illuminate your property. If they ignore you, then consult an attorney. I seriously doubt their property will sell easily if there is the taint of forthcoming litigation.