DEAR ABBY: My roommate, "Jeff," and I got into a huge fight last week and he kicked me out. My mother took me in and said if I ever moved back in with him, she'd "disown" me.
While I was living with my mother, I had trouble finding employment. While I was with Jeff, I received offers of employment from no less than three companies.
I have spoken with Jeff since the incident. He apologized and wishes I'd move back in. He realizes he acted like an idiot. I would like to move back with him so that I can have a job, but I don't want to make my mother angry. Also, I don't think that living with her is healthy for me right now. Please advise ASAP. -- "PAMELA" IN CLEVELAND
DEAR "PAMELA": While it may not be "healthy" to live with your mother right now, moving back in with a roommate who kicks you out when he loses his temper does not seem like a wise move either.
You did not make clear why you can't take the job(s) you were offered and live with her. If the problem is geographic, perhaps you should explore what other arrangements you can manage, because you have no guarantee that Jeff would not evict you repeatedly. The goal to aim for is to be independent, able to stand on your own two feet, and beholden to no one.